See this Slack thread for additional context:
Today, there exists a strict 1:1 relationship between Service Catalogs and GitHub Orgs.
However, we do have a number of customers who use multiple Konnect Orgs (and would therefore have multiple Service Catalogs) in their company. This is an anti-pattern that has emerged from legacy (i.e. customers creating multiple control planes with granular RBAC, customers creating multiple dev portals).
Since the goal of Service Catalog is to eventually become a "single source of truth" / "canonical system of record", there should _really_ only be one per customer.
Because building support for multiple Konnect Orgs contradicts Service Catalog's product vision, this Aha Idea should be evaluated very carefully and should only be considered if there is strong financial incentive.
Note that building out this feature _is_ technically feasible, although not cheap.