Would be nice to be able to set the port.name for the MeshGatewayInstance created Service:
$ kubectl -n kuma-demo get svc edge-gateway -o yaml
- name: "444" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
nodePort: 31061
port: 444
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 444
It looks like the name is currently set with the Listener's port number defined in the MeshGateway.
They want to define a port name because it will help on their transition of Services to Mesh. They currently have Ingress resources created with port names (with the application name):
- backend:
name: web-middleware
name: application
path: /api/
pathType: Prefix
The goal would be to just to add "--gateway" to the backend service port.name, independent if the original ingress has a port number or a port name. This saves a lot error-prone manual work.
We could achieve this by using the "Kubernetes without MeshGatewayInstances": https://docs.konghq.com/mesh/2.8.x/using-mesh/managing-ingress-traffic/builtin/